


Ed Johnson

Managing Director

Christina Doe


Ben Hansen


Stephanie Perry

Marketing Manager



By Ruth Langmead December 23, 2021
Sometimes, we categorise people out of Gods kingdom because they don’t meet the brief, they don’t fit our preconceived ideas and expectations. So, this Christmas, when I put my nativity in pride of place to celebrate “the King has Come”, I am reminded that a King didn’t come, at least not in the eyes of all those waiting on one. The nativity was the ultimate Kris Kringle (maybe the first!), where we quite simply don’t know what to expect and should always be prepared for a surprise, but it will be a gift.
By Jon Bergmann October 21, 2021
For something new to grow, something else must fade. Death isn’t just the end of life it’s also the beginning.
By Brian Harris October 14, 2021
St John of the Cross wrote: “If a man wishes to be sure of the road he treads on, he must close his eyes and walk in the dark.” When we can’t see, and can’t make any sense of things, keeping on can be the deepest form of trust. It can serve a profound purpose, for the dark night of the soul is sometimes the space between who we have been and who we will become.
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